Friday, March 6, 2009

Stop the Cips!

If we recall the last time a democratic process elected an idiot, the Bush Administration, we know that the results could be devastating. The Cips aren't just dumb; They're Michael Scott dumb. That is, the oblivious and annoying idiot that is always around.

Let me put this frankly: Outside of maybe 4 or 5 people. The Cips don't give a fuck about you. Oh yeah, they'll talk to you cuz they're so great and all but masked behind those actions is a motive. Yes the Cips' thirst for power is one even greater than their thirst for jizz.

Not unlike George Bush, the Cips are like puppets to a group of people who primarily run Schulich. We've seen year after year, the outgoing council will have already penned in next year's council during one of their private meetings. I'd have no problem with this but penning in a total moron is like only letting chris borg go to a strip club. A total waste!

You know who I'm voting for? Abstain. The quality of the candidates is such shit that I cannot vote for them. If this is one of the best business schools in the world, why are our student representatives so weak? Let's abstain this whole thing and start again with some real candidates.

Also, i want to try something out. Every time a candidate comes and bothers you trying to campaign to you in the marketplace, tell that guy to "schulick my balls".


  1. Why don't you run?

  2. Forgot to mention that it's nice to see you actually making your reasons for hating Schulich known, instead of making fun of irrelevant first years that nobody knows. I look forward to hearing more about what you don't like about Schulich in the future.

  3. i don't even know who's running!

  4. no make fun of more first years!

  5. hahaha i have an inkling who this blogger might be, i know certain people in 2nd and 3rd year who think exactly like this and I have even heard them say all this.

  6. i think a lot of people think like this

  7. I am a Banker and I approve of this message.

  8. Demosthenes and Locke changed the world through blogging. True story.


    I fucking love you, man. I thought there were scant few who even knew that book existed :D

  9. please. go back to cooking fries.

  10. so much for this entry, eh

  11. Hurray for the new UBC!

    Can we start a pool for who loses their virginity first? Two Cipolettas or the OMIS spectacular of Kelvin, Minhaj, Xin, and Mike Qin? Must be hard to fuck when your balls were cut off at birth.

  12. Sorry man. No one could stop the cips. They are now the face of UBC: marketing and external

  13. I'm told the Cips were like this in high school too. I guess some things never change.

  14. I heard that not only do the Cips share that huge ego of theirs but they also share a bed.

    Don't they seem to be conjoined at the hip?

    I would have to agree with a once strong world power on one thing, freaks (like this) should be euthanized.

  15. wtf happened to this blog?


What the fuck do you want?
