Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A look at schulich's ubc election

The Schulich year is never complete without the shitshow that is the ubc elections. Some years there's no restrictions and all hell breaks loose and other years there's more restrictions which unleashes a greater gong-show than Mike Ng after a shot of coors lite. Of course we all remember Jonathan Cipolletta's spontaneous combustion in last year's elections where he was disqualified and was rumoured to have collasped (although since he's Italian I'm sure it was a flop). This year, the stupidity reaches a new apex (Apex being the typical Schulich measure of stupidity) with the infusion of dumb first years like the omis crew. A word of advice to those guys, if you're gonna have a sausage fest exclusive club, at least don't name it after your stats course. First up is Minhaj: the fresh prince of schulich.

This looks like a bad Japanese ad. Despite declaring that "there is no i in team", Minhaj insists on rounding up a truckful of Asian refugees and forcing them to point at him. There's no i in team but there's one in shitty poster. Furthermore, call me old-fashioned by I just don't think a brown man can be described as fresh. Speaking of which, before the picture was taken the group was asked to point at where that funky smell was coming from. Excuse me, I think I getting a seizure from this poster.

This would be the biggest action film in China: Mr. & Mrs. IT starring super couple Jane Lee and Mike Xin. Mike plays an unqualified nerd trying to get an IT position and Jane plays the whore by his side that leaves him after he loses. Did I mention this was a reality show? You can also catch Mike in the upcoming Ex-Men movie about guys who lose their balls when they join OMIS.

As vomit-inducing as this effort is, it is still better than anything we have seen from Anthony Cipolletta this year. This year he finally answered the age old question, how many Cipollettas does it take to design a website? The answer is 2, one to fail at it and a look-alike to be even more of a dumbass (mike fu can fucking design the website)

The 2nd annual Jonathan Cipolletta collapse is in full force.
Gee, an Obama impression, how'd you think of that one Jonathan? Here are some key differences between Cipolletta and Obama. Obama is half black and half white; Cipolletta is half a man. Obama was the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review; Cippolletta was the first black spot for Apex. Obama managed to overcome racial tensions in Southern U.S.; Cipolletta manages to be uglier than his twin brother. Obama sought to bring change to the political establishment; Cipolletta is the fucking establishment. Obama plans to unite his country; Cipolletta plans to spread Narbe's butt cheeks.

Alright, I'm outta here,
Love ya like Carmen loves all-you-can-eat sushi


  1. You, my good sir, win 100 internets.

    Who ARE you?!

  2. I think this person has too much time on their hands
    if you go to schulich, maybe you shouldn't be making so many enemies

  3. Who cares? It's hilarious.

  4. Too easy Jester. Too easy.

  5. Ahahahaha
    Hope you make frequent posts buddy.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    SPOT ON. LOL. (:"

    not so anonymous when you're the only one who puts their smilies backwards like that.... :)

  7. how dare this person make fun of the future kings of schulich; the cipps are the best!! all jokes apart, this is a sick blog, keep em coming and say what's on all our minds.

  8. Word of advice: learn how to spell before you start blogging and trash talking about people who are more interesting than you are and who actually have a life.

  9. refugee on sea , cuz they got their own boat

  10. its more like curry prince of schulich not fresh

  11. I heard that Minhaj bought Penis enlargment pills and now he impressed with his size! If you want a big penis, then go to
    Size does matter !!!

  12. Bless you, kind soul, whoever you are. Thank you for finally putting into words what my impotent, potentially drug addled mind was not able to. The least I can do is add a point and sing some praise. I'd shake your hand, but fear that's somewhat out of the question.

    There's a divide between the "IN" crowd and the rest of us at The Suck. What sets us shit-blog-posting-people, the average Joes, apart from the "IN" people is a marked resistance to suck the collective dick of popularity; and if, personally, refusing to take fat wads of UBC goo in the mouth means dissassociating myself from the tarnished inner circles of said popularity, then so fucking be it. I'm no clique's cumbucket. Blog troll or otherwise, I've got enough pride to know better.

    The Cipps don't. They've suckled down enough of that warm, milky substance to cement their victory in place. It's a sad fact, so there remains little to discuss. We, the common Schulichers, don't have a say in the matter: never really did to begin with. We just stood and watched, disgusted, as this farce played it's daily course.

    If they don't win, it'll be thanks in large part to some skew or discrepancy between internal UBC dealings, but even then they'll make some shit up and just force them into position regardless. (In hindsight, the chance of said skew is probably quite high, seeing as how they tend to routinely fuck shit up for no apparent reason.)

    In short, for all those with me: Thank you for being above this horseshit. Thank you once more, dear author, for a splendid good read.

    For all those that aren't: Well, fuck you too, buddy. Your level of maturity is on display.

  13. I cannot believe the amount of hate people have on this blog, the Cips are good guys, heart and soul, I wish I knew who you all were because I would personally deal with you. All of you are a disgrace to Schulich and I hope karma catches up with you one day. Please, someone have the courage to reveal themselves; so full of unreasonable hate and racism. It's really sad , hopefully you know that and I'm sure you see it everyday when you look in the mirror and see the loser staring back at you. How can people encourage these anonymous blogs?

  14. "I cannot believe the amount of hate people have on this blog, the Cips are good guys, heart and soul".....yeah ok, this must be one of the many girls who likes the twins as either older brothers or friends lol

  15. Thnaks to all of you haters for making all three candidates that were attacked famous and helping them win the UBC elections. I bet these candidates received lots of their votes by empathizing with other people about this unfortunate blogspot attacking them simply because they have the courage to put themselves in front of the pubic eye without worrying about the consequences.

    I encourage you guys to reveal your identity to the general public so that you guys can enjoy getting your face bashed and flattered.

  16. says the guy who wants to remain anonymous

  17. No such thing as bad publicity, didn't you know that Monty?

  18. Chaminade approves this message.
    (Chaminade is the name of the high schools they went to, we all hate them)

  19. i hear a whole lotta anonymous crying going on here.

  20. What is gonna happen if he spreads Narbe's buttcheeks?

    I am assuming - all these candies are gonna come out.

    MMM <3!!!!!

    whoever wrote this - is super ugly


What the fuck do you want?
