Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You Know You Go To Schulich When...

This post was inspired by a shitty facebook group. Seems like a simple enough premise yet it elicits some lame responses.

- you can talk about SWOT and it has nothing to do with the police (Leon)
Oh yeah, the famous SWOT teams in the police force right Leon? Asian Fail. It's SWAT dumbass as in Special Weapons And Tactics. WTF would SWOT be? Special Weapons Or Tactics?

-you randomly chant different cheers for no apparent reason...
Who the fuck ever randomly chants cheers at Schulich. Did I miss something? Did Schulich turn into High School Musical 4? Is Rob McKee singing "I like 'em Young" in the middle of the marketplace? Only in his mind.

-"getting raped" becomes a daily routine.. of course not sexually..
Of course not, you're far too ugly.

-your weekday is more enjoyable than your weekend (Mike Qin)
Loser Alert! Loser Alert! Loser Alert! Maybe if you weren't buying knockoff scarves from p-mall you'd be having a better time.

-you have professors like walter perchal who reminds us how fucked we are as leaders of business (Rohin)
Then you should be glad you're retarded and will be working for those leaders.

-you categorize your friends into "highschool" & "schuilch" on msn, and noticing that the number of ppl online in the "highschool" group decreases while ppl in "schulich" increases exponentially (Mike Qin)
Let me work this out here. Schulich friends: 0^100,000 = 0. Yeah that makes sense Mike.


  1. lmfaoooooooo at mckee, wow!!

  2. the Rob Mckee thing is absolutely true lol ahahahahah; in his head o yeah

  3. hmm this post wasnt that funny really. ol' monty karl is losing it...

  4. Monty..... study for exams.... ooOoOoooOOOooooOoO hahahaha, after that, maybe you can actually get out and go to superpub hahahahahahaaaaaaaa. o wait, you won't, cause you have no friends.

    Please get laid my friend,

    Your a loser,

  5. $20 on this guy being a /b/tard. Or at least visiting /b/ once per week.

    Not having much luck with your Digg submissions, eh?

  6. Funny how the above comment is written by "anonymous"

  7. you're jealous of al the people on UBC.

    maybe u should try running if you want it that bad

  8. 'Funny how the above comment is written by "anonymous"'

    Hahaha, I didn't even consider that when I wrote it. Nice catch.

  9. Did Mike Fu cockslap you when you came to schulich, Monty? You seem to have some serious envy

  10. mike fu just took over. u mean narbe. and btw:

    "you're jealous of al the people on UBC.

    maybe u should try running if you want it that bad"

    why are you assuming it isnt a ubc douche doing all this?

  11. "why are you assuming it isnt a ubc douche doing all this?"

    Because the odds are that a guy who hates Schulich and hates UBC is not on UBC?

  12. or...the odds are that it is a guy on UBC who is hating on other UBC members and picking on random people at Schulich.

    welcome to the world of politics.

    and besides. only a very popular person can write about so many different groups of people.

    and last but not least, why are you assuming its one person. because its not.

    - Bernini

  13. i agree, manyfest and ssbmaint are related, and the guy on ssbmain knew a lot about the ubc constitution...

    who would go through the trouble to read all the lines of a constitution but some1 who's already been on the ubc and had to read it for a meeting...

  14. Thank you. and notice insider information such as anthony being the sponsorship director and getting "gino's pizza"

    who would know this but someone who was in the meeting when anthony said that? There are other examples.

    There are many trails this dude/group of dudes are leaving. (believe it or not)

    - Bernini

  15. why post anonymously bernini when you're leaving a sig??

  16. I might be knowledgeable about schulich affairs, but a tech wizard I am not. too lazy to make a profile.

    dont ask why i post anonymously, rather ask why "Bernini".

    - Bernini

  17. To be honest, Bernini, it just looks like you're having a conversation with yourself right now.

    From what I know about Monty, he goes by the name "hollowweeds" on Digg:


    You can tell because his two oldest submissions are links to posts that used to exist on this blog which he obviously deleted.

    Aside from the obviously pathetic self-promotion (who the hell submits their own blog to Digg?) we now know that Monty used to have a "funny picture dump" on this blog.

    Now, as for your hypothesis, I have this response:
    If Monty was really on UBC, he had the power to come out and voice these opinions constructively. Instead, he chose to do it anonymously. Therefore, he either is not on UBC or he is a complete pussy.

  18. So who the fuck UBC do you suspect it is "Bernini"? Got a tinfoil hat to go with your conspiracy theories?

    You're probably just Monty posting as anon right now.

  19. Hey, this says it was written by Monty Karl:


    Nice poem Monty! My favourite part is this:

    "Love is something you cannot buy
    Or have to earn before you die
    It’s a gift that’s really hard to find"

  20. Monty def. wrote those poems. The big pussy posts shit about others, makes fun of them, and on top of that, writes poems.

    A class act. A true innovator. What a guy.


  21. why would he publicly diss the cips, mike qin and others if he was on UBC?? if anything that gives him more of a reason to stay anonymous so he doesn't have to deal with shit during meetings and whatnot

    or... it could be some1 who's already been on ubc in the past..

  22. ^ Yes, obviously if he wanted to make fun of fat people and call the Cips gay he would have to do it anonymously. The point is that if he was on UBC he had the opportunity and the power to voice his opinions constructively and instead he chose to act like a 13-year-old down-syndrome lobotomy patient.

  23. no. its because during ubc meetings, he has to be diplomatic, so he chooses other channels where he can rat cips and others out.

    The ubc is very political. its a lot of "backstabbing" and making fun of other ubc members behind their backs. having a blog only helps this cause.

    - Bernini

  24. I agree with bernini and his theory

  25. ^^ Monty agreeing because he isn't really on UBC.

  26. Glad you guys see the light. How did you not suspect it could be someone from UBC.

    if you think everyone on UBC is best friends with each other, think again.

    I might add here, Monty is not one person, Monty is a group of 2-3 people.

    - Bernini

  27. I have nothing to hide.

    I'll let you figure out who I am. The answer lies within.

    - Bernini

  28. guys have u seen ssbmaint is down? haha maybe the guys are getting scared you're making all these connections and chickened out lol

  29. Or maybe the administration already got to them?

  30. Gianni Niro.

    Or someone who loves architecture?

  31. lol I dont get the last post. someone who loves architecture?

    and what bout Gianni Niro.

    and yes...ssbmaint doesnt seem to be active. the blogs are pretty hilarious tho.

    - Bernini

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. hey author. whyd u remove that first post by daniel?

    id be interested to see what he wrote

  34. Easy Daniel, we all know ubc is a power grab by most members and you may have the few that are on the council for the right reasons. But with that mix, the power hungry s.o.b's will always bring down the legitimacy of what your trying to do. Everyone can seee right through you and understand what you are actually out to achieve

  35. What is with people thinking UBC has an evil hidden agenda? I'm not on UBC, but I'm pretty curious.

  36. So what exactly is Daniel trying to do?

    and to anonymous # one gazillion, ubc has no evil hidden agenda. who said they do? my only problem is most of them dont do shit.

    - Bernini

  37. @Bernini

    "Everyone can seee right through you and understand what you are actually out to achieve"

    What is it?

  38. beats me. i dont think it was directed to me. it was directed to daniel. id be interested in knowing what he is trying to achieve as well.

    if i knew better, id say it was a general statement. in general, students can see right thru ubc members. whether they are power hungry or actually trying to achieve something.

    - Bernini

  39. Wow, I must be clueless then, because I don't see their true motivations at all.

  40. perhaps they're there to get laid

  41. lol. ofcourse ubc does work. they have to. how else would all these events happen? but its generally the senior members running the show.
    my only prob is that thats all they do - carry out a list of events.

    Out of 12, only a couple would really add value to the school.

    - Bernini

  42. Hey Bernini,

    I'm curious, who on ubc would you say adds value to the school?

  43. hi guys, jean adams here

    just thought I should stop by and remind you guys that adding value to organizations is very important

  44. LOL @ jean adams

    who adds value? did you just ask me that? what are you, some ignorant Schulich citizen? go msg each ubc exec on facebook, ask "what did you do for Schulich" and find out yourself.

    And if you dont like what you hear, then don't re-elect the same dumbfucks.

    - Bernini

  45. I propose we elect Monty to UBC next year. Yeah, he adds a lot of value to Schulich by whining about it.

  46. you already did.

    - Bernini

  47. Who is he, Bernini, oh wise one?

  48. Who is he?..."he"? you mean they. I thought I went through this before.

    as for the other one, Bernini is not a Da Vinci Code character dumbshit. Get your facts straight.

    - Bernini

  49. I'm pretty sure it was a joke, Bernini. Christ, you're an antsy character.

  50. hahaha, perhaps.

    ol monty karl is writing exams right now so he won't be posting for some time. isn't that cute?

    - Bernini

  51. Let's hope he graduates this year so he can be free from the pain that Schulich causes him. Poor boy.

  52. lmfao. Bernini LOLLL you actually made me laugh out loud when you went haywire over the Da Vinci Code comment.

    It was a joke, clearly. Anyway, dude - its bad enough someone IS doing this, but claiming to know who it is, let alone hinting that it is a particular group of people is stupid

    either you say who you think it is along with the facts to back it up


    you avoid it all together

    your making the situation worse than it needs to be

    - Thomas Oliver

    Wikipedia that shit. Epic.

  53. how did i go haywire. bernini isnt a da vinci character. lol. i didnt think i was too harsh there.

    and ofcourse i claim to know quite a bit about what goes around in my school. thats cuz i should. im in a position to. the rest is for you to decipher.

    hows the situation getting any worse? i find all this mildy entertaining actually. go monty.

    - Bernini

  54. ^ Amateur troll.

  55. you guyz are crazy.
    some guy is ranting on a blog and you all jump to some sort of ubc conspiracy. its just as likely to be someone on ubc as it is someone from york.

    also, i search for monty karl and it seems like its a common pen name. my best guess is that there is some reason that he chose it, possibly alluding to his identity.

    (p.s. i get the irony that i jumped to a conspiracy theory in the last paragraph)

  56. lmao.

    "what the fuck do you want?" is that minhaj? haha.

    - Bernini

    P.S. yay monty is back with another post. looks like he is done exams.

  57. You know you're in Schulich when you have a "fraternity" that takes pictures with blue dildos on their boat cruise "parties".

  58. lmao, i love the quotes around "parties"

  59. http://dummymarketing.blogspot.com/

  60. lmao this is jokes


What the fuck do you want?
